As you all have known, Semester 1 examination is about to come about. So please do study real hard for this Semester 1 examination.
And please do pray before you attend the examination. This lil doggie is praying for us all, I guess...
Haha... If you need ways to study Physics, there's a way mostly prefer for Physics male students. Lecturers should try this method too... It's worthy...
And please do not try to cheat your way out from this or you're end up like him.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Examination's COMING!
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 12:14 AM 0 Heartiest Comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
Erm...more lame comics
Cyanide & Happiness @
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 8:20 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively explosm
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Irony...
Cyanide & Happiness @
For more stupendous comics go to
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 11:09 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Funny poems
Got it from the mail...sharing with u guys, and gal.
Roses are red, Violets are blue
Monkeys like u should be kept in zoo.
Don't feel so angry you will find me there too
Not in cage but laughing at you.
Twinkle Twinkle little star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not so far.
The rain makes all things beautiful.
The grass and flowers too.
If rain makes all things beautiful
Why doesn't it rain on you?
God saw me hungry, he created pizza .
He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi
He saw me in dark, he created light
He saw me without problems, he created YOU.
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 7:27 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively jokes
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
But I'm sure you know who right?
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 8:15 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively lonely?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
First meeting
Can you all come to the first maths club meeting this Friday. It will be short, about 30 minutes and we will be electing the positions, so if you are campagning to be an office-holder this is your chance. The time will be 1:00 - 1:30.
Its better if you all give me your nominations for the office positions before Friday so we can get on with it quickly.
The positions will be:
- President
- V. President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- respective programme directors. (CAL, SAM, ICPU, etc)
Its good to have one female (or at least a pretty person) as an office-holder to have some diversity.
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 6:18 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively maths club, orange
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Alex's joke of the week
Alex : The person who made it don't use it
Alex : The person who use it don't see it
Alex : The person who see it don't want it
Alex : What is it?
SW : Condom la! Obviously the producers don't use it...and when you're using it obviously you won't see it, and who wants to use it at all!
Alex : NOOO!!!
*Interruption from Mr. Lucas*
Mr. Lucas : What is it Alex?
Alex : It's a coffin la! Those who made it don't want it, those....
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 11:48 PM 3 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively alex jokes
Corn or porn?
Well, for years, men has been questioning themselves, which is better? Corn or porn? In historical manuscripts such as "The Pearl", corn has been well known as a staple food for the hungry villagers. However, in this modern world, it seems that men's hunger has been diverted from corn to porn. So now, Mr. Manly Man will clarify once and for all, which of the two is the better men's choice.
1. Porn will not cause diabetes, weight gain, and most health problems.
It has been verified by the Kuala Lumpur Institute of Technology, Selangor(KLITS) that porn actually brings good health to the human anatomy. Although corn provides certain vital nutrients such as carbs, porn could actually exercise certain muscles in the body, leading to a healthier lifestyle. Also, porn has zero calories and are known to help in weight control. Therefore, porn wins in this round!
2. Corn is legal, porn is not!
According the Newton's fifth law of legality, corn is actually legal! Many people doesn't know that and tries to smuggle some corn through Thailand. However, now that this fact has been confirmed by the Ministry of CAP(corn and porn), corn is becoming a more popular hit within the society. With no risk of violating the law, corn clearly wins in this section!
3. Children thinks corn is sweet and satisfying
Adults thinks porn is sweet and satisfying
This round clearly goes to porn because who holds more power? Children or adult? You guessed it...
4. Job opportunity, corn : male, porn : female
It is true that both industries are uni sexual industries but the majority of them involved are as divided above. I would say this round is a draw
5. Corn hardens when it grows, porn makes harder growths
Porn wins, no comment XD!
And so, this sick and twisted post is done. After today I would probably be isolated by everyone in the world. But then again, we are all mature people and I'm sure we can take some dirty jokes. That's all folks. And don't forget to choose your side!
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 7:51 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
There's finally some news regarding our class trip after such a looooongggg time.
After doing some surveys and searching for suitable packages, I've finally found THIS package which i find it really affordable.
we are going to visit
If everything goes well, it is going to be a 3days2nights trip by flight. It should not cost more than RM200 per person
(plus tax plus this plus that blabla)You guys can check out the website here---->>
------volunteers to help out in organizing this trip NEEDED!-----
I believe there is something wrong with the site so I have encountered some difficulties to find out more details about it.
However, we have to book before 15th of JUNE THIS YEAR so I would like to know how many of you all are interested to go before its too late >.<
Our aim is to save money on travelling and accomodation so that we'll have spare money to ENJOYY once we get there!
So please let me know by TOMMOROW 3PM if you're interested.
Let's go there as a family =)
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 6:00 PM 2 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively class trip, szehui., vacation
Love is in the air !!
Sincerely by tranelots at 5:35 PM 2 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively photo
Monday, May 12, 2008
drum roll please . . .
Maths club has got approval! Yes, you read that right. Our efforts paid off and now 0801PE04, the world's best class in mathematics (with some salt) has made ECA history.
Let me thank you all for the support and interest shown. This certainly would not have happened without the 20+ signatures. Now we may proceed with the first club meeting, which you have all been waiting for and asking me eagerly for the past few weeks. I'll make sure to set a time all of you can attend. We also need to put up some notices about the club, because you know, we care very much about others joining the club as well.
orange34 signing off.
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 8:54 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Emotional Moments of Ivan... (or just emo ivan)
I feeling so emo lar. Lonely, I always feel lonely...
I probably can become "HIM" le... Huh...
It's either I'm too sensitive or what lar, but I tend to feel extremely lonely...
Huh... What's the matter with me eh?
Am I that HATED?
Am I that USELESS?
Tell me of what you want of me, and I shall try my best to overcome that weakness of mine.
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 8:26 PM 2 Heartiest Comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
There's something strange I've notice at Taylor's Language Centre last night.
Therefore, Taylor's Language Centre= Kolej Universiti Taylor's?
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 6:06 PM 3 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively szehui.
Joke of the day!
Seng : Knock-knock
Alex : Who's there?
Seng : Lame joke person
Alex : Lame joke person who?
Seng : u lor...
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 11:40 AM 0 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively LAMEZZZ
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Things We Don't Usually Get to Do In Class >.<
OLAA! It's ME, the only female in our beloved class >.< Since most of us have to attend classes from 8am-4pm almost every single day,we don't usually get to interact and have fun among each other,especially during class hours ;) However,i have observed something different today in our class due to Mr. Hari's absence. Therefore I would like to share the pictures I have taken up during that hour and also something as entertaining as Mr. Hari's classes *hint hint* LOL Now i shall leave our lovely pictures to continue the story =)
Now it's time for our little entertainment =)
well, that's all for now people! In fact, I know you guys were expecting some other videos of the two fellas singing in front of our class today^.^''
but since Mr Lai said this is only the second time, I'll ask for the two-main-leads-in-the-video's approval before posting it here ya =)
saling respect-mengrespect mar xD hee.. BYE!
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 11:39 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
All Hail The RED!
All students of Taylor's College, please wear RED tomorrow (08 May 2008) in order to support anti-Heart Cancer if that may be possible.
So please wear RED... Don't wear Black ya. It's ain't a funeral party, kay?
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 5:03 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Homework? Class trip or maths club?
Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I visited the blog so late.. I mean I didn't log in to check the updates for some time.. About what Seng Wai suggested that I post all the homework daily, I'll try to do it but I wont promise too much cause I'll be occupied with my own work too.. Nevertheless, I'll visit this blog as regular as I can and try to inject some new ideas to it.. Well, I do hope a few more people can help post the daily homework as to keep us on the go every moment.. At least by that, we wont miss out important things like class tests or whatsoever.. By each of us contributing a little, I seriously think we'll be able to go far as a team! Then, we'll help each other out and excel in everything we do, academically or non-academically.. Let's hope that the entire 0801PE4 will score straight As in our A level examination.. That'll be the proudest moment of our class, it'll go down the memory lane as our pride, our joy and definitely the best way to thank our beloved lecturers!!
Haha.. enough of that.. Okay, I'll try to list down important stuffs today..
1. Mathematics class test is confirmed to be held next wednesday during the first of the double period. It will cover chapter 4, 5, and 6 of statistics. Hope everyone will do their best in the test!
2. Maths homework -
Exercise 6A - 1, 2, n 6
Exercise 6B - 5, 6, n 8
Exercise 6C - 2, 3, n 4
Misc exercise 6 - I'm not sure bout this, would appreciate if somebody can confirm this. But I think u can just try it out.
3. Chemistry -
continue with presentation tomorrow. would be nice if can finish the inorganic chem exercises mr lucas gave..
4. Thinking skills -
Continue with the fire n Mrs Wong tomorrow. can try out the questions if u want.
5. Moral studies -
~ finalise ur group of four or five for the group assignments, topics are given by him during the lesson.
~ some details of the whole course,
* Duration : 5/5/08 - 13/5/08
* Exam : 14/8/08
* Break : 26/5/08 - 6/6/08 (unit break)
9/6/08 - 13/6/08 (exam)
16/6/08 - 27/6/08 (vacation)
~ group assignment - 8/7/08 * 20%
~ group presentation - 27/7/08 * 10%
6. Further maths -
~ today is about vertical component of the circular motion. continue with other examples tomorrow.
7. Physics -
~ Electric circuits i guess.. Keep on doing the examples.. I dont quite understand it actually..
Okay folks, I guess that's all for now.. If there's anytg wrong with the dates or the contents, pls feel free to correct it.. I'm also a human, I might make mistakes all the time.. Like what happened to seng wai.. He's still upset bout it, the mayjune 05 thingy.. Let's hope this wont happen again.. Kk, take care my frieds !!! Oh ya, bout the comment on the trip, I'll talk bout it later.. N bashir, I reserved the best for the last.. Great job! The maths club will be the most happening club in taylors!! Hooray! Two thumbs up! Of all the hardwork u put in, I think u deserve the best! Thanks Bashir! We, 0801PE4 appreciate everytg u have done !!! Good luck !! :)
Signing off,
Faststronghorse aka Aaron
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 9:18 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Class trip
Comment for the place you want to go below. The top 4 places will be short-listed and put on a poll to choose the final destination.
ps. We are not going to Japan.
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 3:56 PM 7 Heartiest Comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Maths Club update
Hi guys and girl. This is orange34. All the documents for the maths club have been submitted and we are now awaiting approval from the management. The club constitution, which is 6 pages long ensures a fair election system for deciding club officials and outlines the main goals of the club, which will be focusing on problem solving and preparing for important contests.
Read the entire constitution here if you have trouble going to sleep.
I also wanted to make a few clarifications.
1) I am not the club president (But I want to be :-) ). I'm not going to exercise that kind of unprofessionalism. As outlined in Article 10 of the constitution there will be elections held to decide all the positions.
2) By popular demand, Article 15 of the constitution will ensure certificates of recognition, attendance and participation will be handed out. This means that all active members, and not just the office-holders will receive their deserving certificates.
That's all for now folks.
- orange34
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 6:15 PM 0 Heartiest Comments