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World Maths Day 2008 !!

World Maths Day 2008 !!
Pride of 0801PE4 !!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Interesting Q & A with a young boy

Here is the English Version(*International Version)
A first-grade te ac her, Ms Anna (Age 22 ) was having  trouble with one of her students.

The teacher asked the boy, 'what is your

The boy answered, 'I'm too smart for the
 first-grade. My sister is in the third-grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the third-grade too!'

Ms Anna had enough. She took the boy to the
 principal's office. While the boy waited at
the reception of the office, the te ac her
 explained to the principal what the situation was.

The principal told Ms Anna he would give the
 boy a test and if he failed to answer any of
his questions he was to go b ac k to the
 first-grade and behave.

The boy was brought in and the conditions
 were explained to him and he agreed to take the test.

Principal: 'What is 3 x 3?'

 Boy: '9'.

 Principal: 'What is 6 x 6?'

 Boy: '36'.

So it went with every question the principal
 thought a third-grade should know. The
principal looks at Ms Anna and tells her, 'I
 think Boy can go to the third-grade. '

 Ms Anna says to the principal, 'I have some
 of my own questions, can I ask him?' The
 principal and Boy both agree.

Ms Anna asks, 'What does a cow have four of
 that I have only two of?
Boy: after a moment 'Legs.'

 Ms Anna: 'What is in your pants that you have
 but I do not have?'
 Boy: 'Pockets.'

Ms Anna: 'What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains
thin whitish liquid'?
Boy: 'Coconut'

Ms Anna: 'What goes in hard and pink then
 comes out soft and sticky'?

The principal's eyes open really wide and
 before he could stop the answer, the boy was
taking charge.
Boy: 'Bubblegum'

Ms Anna: 'What does a man do standing up, a
 woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs'?
The principal's eyes open really wide again and before he could stop the answer...
Boy: 'Shake hands'

Ms Anna: 'Now, I will ask some who am I sort of questions, okay'?
Boy: 'Yep.'

Ms Anna: 'You stick your poles inside me. You
 tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do.'
Boy: 'A tent'

Ms Anna: A finger goes in me. You fiddle with
 me when you're bored. The best man always has me first.
The Principal was looking restless and a bit tense. He took one large Vodka peg.
Boy: 'Wedding Ring'

Ms Anna: I come in many sizes. When I'm not
 well, I drip. When you blow me, you feel
Boy: Nose

Ms Anna: I have a stiff shaft. My tip
 penetrates. I come with a quiver.
Boy: Arrow

Ms Anna: What word starts with a 'F' and ends
 in 'K' that means lot of heat and excitement?

Boy: Firetruck

Ms Anna: What word starts with a 'F' and ends
 in 'K' & if you dont get it you have to use
your hand.
Boy: Fork

Ms Anna: What is it that all men have one of
. It's longer on some men than on others, the
pope does not use his, and a man gives it to
 his wife after they are married?
Boy: Surname

Ms Anna: What part of the man has no bones
 but has muscles, lots of veins and loves   pumping?
Boy: 'Heart'

The principal breathed a sigh of relief and
 said to the te ac her : 'Send this boy to  Stanford  University ; I myself got all the answers wrong'.

The Local Version
Seorang guru, Cikgu Murni (Umur: 22) menghadapi masalah dengan salah seorang muridnya (Abu). Lalu guru ini bertanya kepada murid tersebut : “Apa sebenarnya masalah awak, Abu?”

Lalu Abu menjawab, “Saya terlalu cerdik untuk berada di darjah 4, kakak saya menduduki UPSR dan saya lebih cerdik dari dia, maka saya seharusnya berada di tempat yang sama juga!”.

Cikgu Murni dah tak tertahan. Dia bawa Abu ke pejabat pengetua. Sementara Abu menunggu di ruang tamu, Cikgu Murni terangkan keadaan tersebut kepada pengetua. Pengetua mengatakan yang dia akan berikan ujian kepada Abu dan jika Abu gagal menjawab, maka Abu harus kekal di darjah 3 dan berkelakuan baik. Abu dibawa masuk ke pejabat Pengetua dan Cikgu Murni terangkan pada Abu dan Abu bersetuju untuk ambil ujian yang akan diberikan.
Pengetua: Apa 3 x 3?
Abu: 9
Pengetua: Apa 6 x 6?
Abu: 36

Pengetua terus bertanyakan soalan2 berdasarkan tahap pencapaian murid2 UPSR dan si Abu mampu menjawab tiap soalan yang diberikan. Lalu pengetua memandang Cikgu Murni dan berkata, “Saya rasa murid ini sepatutnya berada di darjah 6?, Lalu Cikgu Murni berkata pada pengetua, “Saya ada soalan saya sendiri, boleh tak saya ajukan pada Abu?”. Pengetua dan Abu bersetuju.

sakura na: Cikgu Murni: Apa yang lembu ada 4 di badan, tapi saya cuma ada dua?
Abu: (berfikir) Kaki

Cikgu Murni: Apa yang ada di dalam seluar kamu tapi tidak pada seluar saya?

Abu: Saku

Cikgu Murni: Apa yang bermula dengan huruf “K” akhir dengan “A”, ianya berbulu, berbentuk oval, nyaman dan mengandungi lapisan nipis keputihan?
Abu: Kelapa

Cikgu Murni: Apakah yang masuk keras dan berwarna “pink”, bila keluar lembik dan melekit?

Mata Pengetua terbuka luas dan sebelum sempat dia menahan, si Abu terus menjawab.

Abu: Gula-gula getah (Bubblegum)

Cikgu Murni: Apa yang mereka lakukan, lelaki secara berdiri, wanita secara duduk dan anjing secara tiga kaki?

Mata Pengetua sekali lagi terbuka sangat2 luas dan sebelum dia sempat hendak menahan si Abu terus menjawab.

Abu: Bersalaman
Cikgu Murni: Baik, sekarang saya akan ajukan soalan berbentuk siapakah saya, okay?
Abu: Baik Cikgu

Cikgu Murni: Awak memasukkan batang kedalam saya. Awak ikat saya untuk saya berdiri. Saya kebasahan sebelum awak.

Pengetua kelihatan resah dengan soalan yang diajukan oleh Cikgu Murni.

Abu: Khemah

Cikgu Murni: Jari memasuki saya. Awak menggesel-gesel saya bila awak teringatkan saya. Lelaki idaman akan mendapat saya dahulu.

Pengetua semakin resah dan tidak selesa. Lantas terus meneguk segelas Nescafe 3in1.

Abu: Cincin perkahwinan

Cikgu Murni: Saya ada bermacam-macam saiz. Bila saya sakit saya akan meleleh. Bila saya keluar, banyak tisu yang akan digunakan. Bila awak hembuskan saya, akan berasa lega.

Sekali lagi pengetua rasa amat resah dengan soalan yang di ajukan oleh
sakura na: Sekali lagi pengetua rasa amat resah dengan soalan yang di ajukan oleh Cikgu Murni dan ingin membantah, tapi si Abu mendahuluinya.

Abu: Hidung

Cikgu Murni: Saya batang yang keras. Hujungnya tajam. Saya akan datang dan masuk dengan lajunya.
Abu: Anak panah

Cikgu Murni: Sekarang saya akan ajukan soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris, okay?

Abu: Okay

Cikgu Murni: What word starts with a ‘F’ and end in ‘K’ that means lot of heat and excitement?
Abu: Firetruck
Cikgu Murni: What word starts with a ‘F’ and ends in ‘K’ & if you dont get it you have to use your hand.
Abu: Fork

Cikgu Murni: What is it that all men have one of. It’s longer on some men than on others, the pope does not use his, and a man gives it to his wife after they are married?
Abu: Surname

Cikgu Murni: What part of the man has no bones but has muscles, lots of veins and loves pumping?
Abu: Heart
Pengetua menghembuskan nafas kelegaan bila mendengar jawapan yang diberikan oleh si Abu, lantas berkata “Baik hantar murid ini ke Universiti Malaya; jawapan yang saya fikirkan semuanya salah”.

P/s: Jika jawapan anda semua salah, anda adalah sama spesies dengan pengetua yang mempunyai pemikiran kuning… hehehe

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Answers for Paper 4

Dear All,

"Since the students is on holiday now, the BB7 also "on holiday"......" this is what the person in-charge of BB7 told me, really RUBBISH! So, the only thing i can do now is, e-mail the answers to you all. Please leave your e-mail address at the chat box. And, don't use this as a reason you can't do the work. One week gone already, if you still haven't do anything yet, better start now. You get what i mean, Aaron, Han Kee, ......?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Results and Paper 4 Answers

(Seem like BB7 got problem, many of you complain about it. This announcement is actually post on BB7, lazy to modify, and that's the only thing I can do)

Dear All,

I know some of you are waiting for the answers to start the work. I'm really sorry for the delay. Still haven't complete yet, is very difficult for me to sort out the answers, need to take very long time. Next Wednesday, 17/12/2008 please login again for the complete one.

Semester Two results is ready, you can either log on to http://www.0801pe04.blogspot.com/ or http://pb3union.blogspot.com/ to check it out.

If you need any assistance in the subject, can send me an e-mail at lai.wingkean@taylors.edu.my. Actually I'll be in college quite often, you can come and see me if you want, but please send me an e-mail few days before you come.

Thanks, enjoy your holiday, may force always be with you.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Class rep abusing Alcoholic! See it yourself! No joke!! XD