Taylor's University College »

World Maths Day 2008 !!

World Maths Day 2008 !!
Pride of 0801PE4 !!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's A Mr. Lucas Miracle!

Is that the first word that is coming out from your mouth when you see the crazy expenses needed to study in Singapore? Felt your dreams crushing down faster than Alex losing his phone? Fear you cannot gather enough funds as easy as Joshua found his 13+1 sisters? Well do Mr. Lucas has a DEAL FOR YOU!

YES YOU! *points outside the monitor*

There is this NUS Singapore scholarship thing which Mr. Lucas told our class rep which told me to tell you *points again* to take a look at if you are interested in persuing your study over there. I'm not really sure about the details but I'm sure you can find it out at their website: http://www.nus.edu.sg/. Oh you're suppose to register there too!

Deadline is 31/10/08.

So hurry up! Or you'll miss this wonderful offer!

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