Hey, everyone! Listen up! Sorry for the late notice but that's as early as I could tell u guys..
Okay, the main thing now. I'll try to keep it short n simple, not like my previous posts.
Venue : Somewhere in taylors, MPH I guess..
Date : 30th of July 2008 (which is tomorrow!!)
Time : 5 - 6 pm
As u guys know, cheong n danial will be leaving for the hartamas campus next week, and this friday is their last day at taylors. But........ Listen up, tomorrow, they are gonna give us a parting gift. They will be performing at the talent show held by some taylors club! Come on guys, this is it! PE4 students are actually performing for the public! This is great courage shown by the two of them, big heart.. All they ask for is a little favour from the whole class, which is to go support them tomorrow. That'll be great, great help from u guys.. Pls, this is their last performance for subang taylors, or more specifically I shall say 0801PE4.. So what are u guys waiting for? That's our mate and what best we can do other than to show our united support for the two of them? Let's put up a true show of 0801PE4 unity to the whole of taylors! This type of occasion is rare and I'm sure it's not gonna happen everyday, so please ( X infinity ) please do attend the talent show..
And please pass this message around to all our classmates.. I'm not sure whether lecturers are allowed to attend this show, but if they can, please do tell them too!
Cheong and Danial are part of the 0801PE4 family, so who else do we support if not our family members themselves? Think wisely, leave the buses behind and take taxi baxk home.. it's just for one day so I hope all of u can make it! Looking forward to the show tomorrow! Thank you lot!!!!!!
Signing off,
Faststronghorse ^^
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Urgent!!! Pls support!!! :)
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 7:24 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Our Lecturer's Background...
Out lecturers hold many secrets... Many secrets to wonder and ponder... Look at these images i got...
Firstly, Mr Hari ( last line)The above is Mr Hari's Award... No wonder he knows so much about aeroplane... Haha...
Secondly is Miss Lilian Wong Tan Li (no 29)Wow... Daniel has some ompetition now. HAHA...
Thirdly an most suprisingly, Mr PeterA book about Mathematics, Mr Peter has published... What a worthy Lecturer ya...
There are still more, but just lazy to find out. HAHA
Over and out.
Sincerely by Dirge at 4:02 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hmm...I wonder who's the asker?
click the above link and u'll be directed to yahoo answers
I wonder who was the person who asked a funny question? hmmm...
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 1:31 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Meaning of this poem?
There's nothing in the world that either good or bad,
But till then, the thinking of humanity makes it so,
So, love comes under which category?
The angelic divine sensation,
or the convincing evil-smiting sin?
Who am I to judge this matter?
I’m No One but a mere stranger,
Walking past the people I familiar of in my path,
But yet, they are the one would gladly get rid of me,
So, I would gladly take myself away from the way of life,
Leaving no traces or marks of mine upon theirs,
So, I’m No One but a mere traveler,
Yet seeking for companionship, for I couldn’t gain one,
Not now, and not tomorrow,
And yet not forevermore I will have,
So I shall take my leave without leaving any traces behind.
Sincerely by Dirge at 9:25 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Er. Pls comment on this photo that i upgraded it to... Beautiful ah? Pls really comment...
From Ivan How, aka Dirge, a Graffiti-Made artist.
Sincerely by Dirge at 10:18 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Class Soundtrack Lyrics
Day Break`s Bell - L’Arc~en~Ciel
nee konna katachi no deai shikanakatta no? kanashii ne
anata ni shinde mo ayamete hoshiku mo nai onegai
unmei sae nomikomare shizumi sou na umi e to
negai yo kaze ni notte yoake no kane wo narase yo
tori no you ni My wishes over their airspace
musuu no nami wo koe asu e tachimukau anata wo
mamoritamae My life I trade in for your pain
arasoi yo tomare!
nee hito wa doushite kurikaeshi ayamachi wo kasaneteku?
shinka shinai dare ni mo nagareru kono chi ga daikirai
honnou de sabaki au dare node mo nai daichi de
sumiwataru mirai ga kita nara kusabana mo heiki ni yadoru darou
My wishes over their airspace
dare ga yuriokoshite warui yume kara samashite yo
kanau no nara My life I trade in for your pain
dore dake inoreba ten ni todoku?
ima asayake ga unabara to watashi wo utsusu
negai yo kaze ni notte yoake no kane wo narase yo
tori no you ni My wishes over their airspace
musuu no nami wo koe asu e tachimukau anata wo mamoritamae
My life I trade in for your pain
furimukazu habatake kono omoi wo hakonde ano sora wo tondeku
mirai wa dare ni mo uchiotosenai
Sincerely by Dirge at 10:14 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I'll C U When U Get There
With dis song i wish u guys all da best lar n gooood luck in everything till u guys succeeded in reaching ur goal!
C u when u EVER get there. ;)
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 9:03 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Don't mess with Sir
Never mess with Mr Lai... He's fully Armed and Loaded.
Mr Lai is Terra Savior, aka Mr Meteor Lai Wing Kean...
Sincerely by Dirge at 3:24 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
R u smarter than a 5th grader?
Solve this without looking back at all...Its a memory game to see if you can remember all the relationships. Enjoy
Ali has a son, Abi.
Ali's brother, Alu loves his nephews, Aku and Anu.
Anu and Abi both loves Aku's daughter, Ah Liang
But Abi's son, Ah Biang loves Ah Liang's mother, Ah Miang.
One day, Ah Miang have cancer and her son's nephew must help her uncle's niece after she's gone.
If Anu has a brother named Ahmad and a sister named Alia, what is Ali's son's name?
Sincerely by Seng Wai at 2:54 PM 0 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively TKS
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Bunny Suicides
Watch, learn, and please try this at home.
Info: Cute bunnies committing suicides
Fireworks Are Dangerous
Sincerely by tranelots at 3:38 PM 1 Heartiest Comments
Exclusively bunny suicides
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I need this potato chips in 2 weeks time from now, don't ask why, i'll only tell after i get it. Anyone can help me to get it? Or at least let me know where/how can i get it.
Sincerely by 0801PE4 at 11:54 AM 0 Heartiest Comments