Taylor's University College »

World Maths Day 2008 !!

World Maths Day 2008 !!
Pride of 0801PE4 !!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Results and Paper 4 Answers

(Seem like BB7 got problem, many of you complain about it. This announcement is actually post on BB7, lazy to modify, and that's the only thing I can do)

Dear All,

I know some of you are waiting for the answers to start the work. I'm really sorry for the delay. Still haven't complete yet, is very difficult for me to sort out the answers, need to take very long time. Next Wednesday, 17/12/2008 please login again for the complete one.

Semester Two results is ready, you can either log on to http://www.0801pe04.blogspot.com/ or http://pb3union.blogspot.com/ to check it out.

If you need any assistance in the subject, can send me an e-mail at lai.wingkean@taylors.edu.my. Actually I'll be in college quite often, you can come and see me if you want, but please send me an e-mail few days before you come.

Thanks, enjoy your holiday, may force always be with you.

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